In a time when customers want everything as quickly and seamlessly as possible, a bad website user experience (UX) can really drive people away from your site, impacting your brand’s reputation and business success.

Your site’s UX needs regular evaluation and enhancement – at the very least once a year – if you want to ensure it remains user-friendly, competitive and aligns with evolving user expectations and trends.

Our Experience team has created a 10-point checklist to help you start identifying which areas of your UX need improvement.

Why use a UX checklist?

Our Head of Experience, Francis, explains: “Given the rapid rise in consumer expectations, businesses need stronger design capabilities than ever before. Satisfactory won’t cut it for your users, they will simply go elsewhere and to your competitors. Our UX checklist is an easy means of evaluating the quality of your website’s UX and finding out whether it’s meeting your customers expectations. While it isn’t a be-all and end-all solution, it’s certainly a good place to begin the process.”

Our Senior UX Designer, Rachel, added: “The real question is: why not? Why not get this checklist so you can quickly assess the state of your website and determine whether it’s on par with best practices and industry standards? The digital landscape is constantly evolving, so even if you may think your website is up to standard, it’s better to know. We’ve made it easy for you to identify areas of improvement that you can clearly communicate back to your team, and immediately ensure you are well-positioned to design a website that is user-centric and effective for your business.”

Download the checklist to start evaluating and improving your UX.

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